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Giving time! Join our annual fundraiser: The "Alternative" Gift Fair!

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

It's that time of year for giving. And let's face it, the saying is true, it IS more fun to give than receive. Giving is just plain fun! Can you imagine the joy for the children of Central African Republic when they receive a new hospital bed at the clinic, a new window for the school, food for a meal, education for a year. So... if you are looking for an alternative to the traditional gift this year, please consider our ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR. An opportunity to give a gift that will not only bring pleasure but likely save a life. When someone asks you what you want for Christmas and you say "Nothing, I have everything I need!" you can instead reply... "I'd love an Alternative Gift... a donation to the JHO Alternative Gift Fair in the Central African Republic."

You can text the word "give" to #205-293-2886 or follow the link below. For an idea of what the needs are for our programs see below: Donate Here

Jonathan's House for Orphans

$5 - Holiday gift for an orphan from "Papa Noel"

$7.04 - 1 bible for an orphan

$50 - Feed the whole orphanage for the day

$90.04 - Bunk bed for orphanage

$225.09 - Crate of 32 Bibles

$360.15 - Sewing machine

$150/mth - fully sponsor a child's monthly needs

$XXX - Any amount you choose to give to help with our orphan rescue.

Text : the word GIVE to #205-293-2886

or donate here: Donate Here

School Lunch Program :

$0.50 - Lunch for one child for a day at school (food, cooks and serving)

$10.00 - Feed 20 children lunch at the school lunch program

$15.00 - Feed 30 children lunch at the school lunch program

$225.00 - Feed the whole primary school lunch for one day!

$XXX - Any amount you choose to give to feed these babes while learning.

Text : the word GIVE to #205-293-2886

or donate here: Donate Here

School :

$9 - Chalk for the school

$27 - Chalkboard for the school

$80 - Primary school student fees for one year including school fees and supplies

$130 - Teacher salary for one month

$150 - Sponsor High school student for one year includes school fee, uniform & supplies

$705 - New school windows

$XXX - Any amount you choose to give to the School and their goals.

Text : the word GIVE to #205-293-2886

or donate here: Donate Here

Medical Clinic :

$135.06 - Medical Clinic Bed

$300 - Clinic Doctor salary for one month (fully educated Dr is $650 - $800/mth)

$800 - Fully educated Dr for one month

$800 - Repair of a doctors in-home-clinic so that he may reside at the clinic with his family in case of emergency

$XXX - Any amount you choose to give to the clinic with its mission of health.

Text : the word GIVE to #205-293-2886

or donate here: Donate Here

***Photos courtesy of Here-Is-Why nonprofit as observed while visiting JHO in 2019.

Thank you for loving on these people in Central African Republic as much as we do! Every dollar counts and we are grateful for you!

Text : the word GIVE to #205-293-2886

or donate here: Donate Here

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