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Let the PLAYING begin!

While the security situation in CAR remains delicate, we are thankful that our area remains safe.

Phase 1 of our new PLAYGROUND was installed last week. It includes a slide, swing set, and jungle gym. It is located next to our basketball court and the school building for grades 4-5-6. It’s a huge hit with the children. Phase 2 will start soon using what we’ve learned on Phase 1. The photo below was taken just after installation was completed, and the workmen said that the children had to stay off of the equipment for two days while the cement set up. As you read this letter, I’m sure it’s full of children who are thrilled with the opportunity to forget the hardships of life in CAR and just be children.

playground equipment

Our medical clinic is currently without a doctor, but our staff continues to operate to treat routine cases such as malaria, wound care and pregnancy counseling. More challenging cases are referred to another clinic. We are searching for a good doctor, but local doctors are very hard to find. Short or long term medical missionaries interested in serving at our clinic can contact me at

Our school lunch program has been a tremendous success. So far, we’ve served approximately 80,000 meals and 50,000 multivitamins. We currently provide food for 446 children each day, plus our school teachers. This is a tremendously valuable program which is having a dramatic effect upon hundreds of children. Our school director recently spoke about the improved health, appearance and attention spans of the children after the program began. A big fundraising push will start soon to make sure that this program is funded for the 2018-2019 school year. It’s a big part of our budget, and it’s worth it. For most of the children at our school, this is the only nutritious meal that they receive each day, and we can and will make sure that it continues to be provided.

If you‘d like to donate to the school lunch program now, please go to A meal is costs about $0.50, but it makes a world of difference to our children.

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